I'm Rufino Josh. And I have stickers for everyone. Cheers.
Photographer + Videographer + editor
One of the most joyful time for me, is whenever I have a working camera in my hand. That is ... until the buzzer starts and I find myself dodging paintballs and occasionally capturing media.
Fact 1
I was handed a NIKON film camera when I was young. It was gifted to me father, by his business partner from Japan. Since then, I learned, trained, and found expression thru the lens.
Fact 2
Nigiri Sushi or Korean Barbecue is the go to food after documenting a long day of paintball. It's usually my wife, Miss Jenny - who finds us a really good place to dine in.
Fact 3
(UNBELIEVABLE) Rufino is a introvert. That means I am shy. But every day - he tries to over come the fear. Just like he is afraid of heights, but will have minimum issues climbing.
Fact 4
Forensic Files = favorite show
Final Fantasy VII = favorite game
Honda Civic TypeR = favorite car
Beach = favorite place
Naps = favorite activity
Thank you for being here.
ONE of the hardest things to write about, is about oneself. How do we even begin. There are so many interesting and unimportant things to cover. Well, I was born, and here we are. Yeah that's terrible. I guess my skills are better suited with the camera items.. But since, you're here reading - I'll try me best.
Hey, what's going on? My name is Rufino Josh. I am the main photographer + videographer + editor of RUFINO ONG STUDIOS. I am usually joined by my loving wife, Miss Jenny. She started as my assistant photographer, and in a few short months, she has become the main photographer and I took the videographer position. Some events, like the long journey types - I would go by myself, and the more local ones, she would join me.
YES - we are a husband and wife team, covering the documentation and media needs of the North California Paintball Tournaments. The travel - is my favorite part of it. She says "I'm only here for the food". And, oddly enough - every after tournament, Miss Jenny manages to find us a worthy restaurant.
I was once invited by my great cousin back to the paintball field. Yes, I used to play in 2005-2006 only to retire early and turn my back on professional paintball. Returned in 2019 as a team photographer, and some how - this is what we do for a living. Shooting people, who are shooting each other, all the while, also getting shot in the process. Valar Morghulis.
We are thankful and proud to serve the great people that has found home in the world of Paintball. Oh ya, by the way, if you wish to see a small collection of headshots click here.

"I'll go with you. So you won't be alone" - Miss Jenny
She mentioned that once to me. Right before a 13 hour drive (from Vallejo CALI to Super Game Oregon). She immediately learned how to shoot the fast paced and sometimes slow and dreadful paintball games. She is the literal meaning of loyalty and hard-work. I will always be thankful for her skills and patience.
MISS JENNY. She can document either photos and videos. She likes to wake up at the field parking lot, ready for me to hand her a camera. She likes wearing EMPIRE EVS + her beanie look.

FYI. This. is what we look like.

We have a separate wedding + portraiture company? It is called FINIA PHOTOGRAPHY. (CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE SITE) Hit us up = if you have any other photography needs - even outside paintball. We would be more than happy to have a chat with you about that. Weddings, Engagements, Family, Couples, Casual, Lifestyle, Kids, Graduation, Professional Headshots - marriage proposals = and what have you!
You'll never guess which one of these kats, is ME.
Photo taken between 06-07. I used to play woodsball, what I call now "WOODSY". Like a lot of players in my area, I started playing paintball in Paintball Jungle, alongside my brothers and cousins. I wouldn't call that the good old days, we shot with inaccurate lousy markers, with super foggy masks, we didn't bring water, no sports drink, nor coolers NOTHING! We were jus a bunch of kats who found something that we all learned to love. Also note, that this photo was taken with a potato phone. This is the only OG photo I have of me.